Frequently asked questions.
What is the purpose of a Chamber of commerce?
A chamber of commerce is a group of businesses that supports the interests of its members. Each chamber of commerce will elect its own leadership and decide what agendas to pursue. A chamber does not create laws, but they may influence pro-business policies by lobbying legislators.
Who Are Chamber Members?
Chamber members are businesses, organizations, and individuals concerned with the socioeconomic climate of a community. These groups have joined together because they stand a better chance of getting things done when speaking with a collective voice. Chamber members can include the small hardware store on the corner, the mom-and-pop diner, the established bank downtown, franchise and major retailers, and the local baseball team. There are no limits or restrictions on the number or kind of members that choose to get involved in a chamber of commerce.
What Do I Get out of Membership?
Business advocacy issues at local, state and national levels
Technical assistance with business expansion and job creation
Educational business seminars
Member-to-member benefits and discounts
Workshops to help your business grow
Matchmaking procurement opportunities
Expo opportunities